Last week was full of fun! We are continuing to practice new routines, but each day we are learning something new about the classroom, our classmates, and what goes on throughout a typical day in kindergarten.
This past week was spent focusing on growing our stamina or how long we can do something without getting tired. As we practice read-to-self, ABC/Word Work, and writing, we time how long our bodies and brains can do those things without getting tired. We are really proud of our class because our stamina is growing more and more every day to our 20-minute goal. Each day we record the minutes on a stamina graph, so that the kids can visualize their growth, and it gets them very involved in their own learning. Here are some pictures during read-to-self, ABC/Word Work time, and writing time (or what what like to call readers and writers workshop.
Most kindergartners can not read yet, but that doesn't mean good reading habits cannot be taught and practiced. For example, the kindergartners are practicing reading the pictures, retelling the stories, pointing to words, and practicing other concepts of print.
In math, we practiced using math manipulatives as we rolled dice, counted and read the number, and moved that number of seeds to the apple.
During ABC/Word work, the kids are learning their letters as they match a letter manipulative to the chart we use in phonics. As they put the letters in alphabetical order, they are also reading the letters.
Our main focus during writing at this time in kindergarten is writing our name with correct uppercase and lowercase letters. We also practice writing the letters and other words we see around the room. It also helps the kids with their pencil grip and fine-motor skills.