We have been learning many letters in kindergarten; some of our letters have been vowels and some have been consonants. During Bat week, we sang a song called Vowel Bat, and some kids got to dance in front of the room when the vowel on the bat hat was playing. We had so much fun! The fair cup picked 5 girls to perform first. Take a look at these brave girls!
We had such a fun time at the Stroll for a Goal. Our class raised over $1,200! We are still waiting to hear if we raised the most money. We couldn't have done it without our great kids and parents. Thanks to all of the parent volunteers that helped out!
I had to capture a photo of these girls singing the school victory song. It brought a big smile to my face!
The kids waiting to dunk Mr. Williams and throw pie in my face. Noah and Elisa got to throw a whip cream pie in my face. The kids all wondered if it tasted good, and it did!
Thanks for being a good sport, Mr. Williams!
Some of our kids got to throw a ball to dunk Mr. Williams.
We got him!
We had some special guests today! Mrs. Anderson, our school social worker, and Poet, the therapy dog, came to visit our classroom. We have been seeing a dog walking around school with Mrs. Anderson and wanted to know more about their jobs. We found out that just as the kids' job is to learn and Miss Miller's job is to teach, Poet's job is to help kids. He was so gentle and calm. We cannot wait to wave to him in the hallway when we see him.